
I have been surfing around the web lately reading a lot of Gnostic Christian and Gnostic Pagan sites. The Gnostic Christian sites have disappointed me greatly because they all seem to claim that Gnostics believe that Jesus was a real person. I don't know how you can be Gnostic and claim such an absurdity. Gnosticism is the quest for spiritual knowledge and how can you obtain spiritual knowledge when you hold firm to man. We don't need to believe that there was once any man that walked the earth as the son of god. In Gnosis we are all the sons of God. Have these modern Gnostics missed the point. YES!!!!

Most likely they have come from a literalist Christian background and can not make the transition without the authoritarian feeling that a Jesus man did actually exist. These are the ones who are truly falling short of Gnosis and they are bringing who follow down with them.

I don't claim to be superior but I do know the difference between myth and fact. Jesus was a myth, an allegory, made to guide people closer to Gnosis. Just as many other godmen before him.


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