A PAGAN meeting that will discuss whether Jesus Christ was "a witch or a showman" is taking place in Croydon tomorrow (Saturday).
About 2,000 pagans are expected to attend the gathering at the Fairfield, with speakers arriving from the USA, Africa and Pakistan.
Last year, 30 demonstrators gathered outside the venue to protest against the Pagan Federation's annual general meeting.
Brian Botham, the organisation's convention manager, said: "Wherever we go, around 98 per cent of people are happy to have us. But there will always be a small number who will protest.
"I can understand how some people, who have held a belief for a while, might say 'You're wrong' when it is challenged.

"But if somebody challenged my beliefs and put up a strong enough argument, then I would sit down and listen to them.
The Pagan Federation says it is a group of people who acknowledge God "but not in the Christian sense".
The federation says it aims to be primarily educational rather than confrontational.
A variety of subjects will be covered at the convention, including the spirituality of Pakistani women, voodoo and African-American witchcraft.
There will also be Tarot readers, healers and live music at the event, which has been staged at Croydon for six years.
One of the largest Pagan markets in Europe will feature too.
Mr Botham added: "The entire event is an opportunity to explore a spirituality that goes far deeper than the popular and often inaccurate images shown on TV and film."
The Bishop of Croydon, the Right Rev Nick Baines, said what people might be looking for in paganism - the truth about God and life - is to be found in Jesus Christ.
He described their question about Jesus Christ as "misleading" and believes finding a spiritual path will not be met by becoming a pagan.
The Bishop said: "If they are going to have a discussion about Jesus Christ you have to ask what material they are looking at. I would want to know what they are basing their judgment on. "What, for example, do they make of the Gospel?"
The pagan convention is the second controversial gathering at the Fairfield this month.
More than 6,500 witches from across the world arrived in Croydon for Witchfest on November 6 and 7.

Don't go running out to find this convention, this is an old story....

But anyway, my take on all this, of course I am going to give it. Who gives a rats behind whether or not Jesus Christ was a witch or not. I don't. It doesn't change anything. I still want to see where they get that he even existed as a person. They still haven't given legitimate evidence of that other than word of mouth. People I talk to call me a Goddess, doesn't mean I am, now bow down to me or I will smite you. Heh.

This has been a long standing issue of mine, I still feel that when people spend so much time placing emphasis on the person who is teaching and not what they are teaching, then they are missing the point. As for the Reverend, how exactly does he know where the truth lies?


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