
Showing posts from 2011

Philomelus, Son of Demeter

Philomelus or Philomenus was a minor Greek demi-god, the son of Demeter and Iasion , and the brother of plutus . Plutus was very wealthy, but gave none of his riches to his brother. Out of necessity Philomenus bought two oxen, invented the wagon or plough, and supported himself by ploughing his fields and cultivating crops. His mother, admiring him for this, put him in the heavens as the constellation Bootes , his wagon or plough being the constellation Ursa major .

Plutus, God of Wealth, son of Demeter

Ploutus , usually Romanized as Plutus , was the god of wealth in ancient Greek religion and myth . He was the son of Demeter [ 1 ] and the demigod Iasion , with whom she lay in a thrice-ploughed field. In the theology of the Eleusinian Mysteries he was regarded as the Divine Child. His relation to the classical ruler of the underworld Plouton (Latin Pluto ), with whom he is often conflated , is complex, as Pluto was also a god of riches. [ citation needed ] In the philosophized mythology of the later Classical period, Plutus is envisaged by Aristophanes [ 2 ] as blinded by Zeus , so that he would be able to dispense his gifts without prejudice; he is also lame, as he takes his time arriving, and winged, so he leaves faster than he came. When the god's sight is restored, in Aristophanes' comedy , he is then able to determine who is deserving of wealth, creating havoc. Among the Eleusinian figures painted on Greek ceramics, Plutus, whether a boy child or a youthful epheb...


I sit, pondering the Spirit again. I feel it all of the time. Around me. Inside me. I see it in my children, and sometimes in passers-by. It makes my heart swell and makes me at peace, when everything else in my life is chaos. But I feel like I need to reconnect with it. Don't get me wrong, I feel connected. But I feel like we have lost communication somewhere. I want to be able to commune with the Spirit as I was once almost able to do. I need to, for the sake of my children, because I feel that both of them are very special and important to the Spirit. I feel that I am supposed to guide them toward a greater oneness with the Spirit. Perhaps through them, the world will find more oneness with the Spirit as well. Before you go on wondering what the Spirit is to me. Let me just tell you....The Spirit is all gods and no gods at all. The Spirit is the earth, the air, the water, everything living and dead. And yes, the Spirit even is what man has made from engineering and science (M...


I am an IsTJ. Which means I am very introverted, sensitive, thinking and judging. It doesn't mean I am judgemental, though I can be at times, it just means that I take time to analyze a situation before jumping in to it. I am posting this so anyone who wants to know what their personality says about them, then they can take the test and find out.