
Showing posts from May, 2006

Do what you will

Do what you will, does not mean do what ever you want as long as you don't hurt anyone. It ultimately means that one must find the true will of ones self and live by that, because living by the true will you can not possibly harm anyone, it is not of the true will to do so. Aleister Crowley explains it best in his book Magick in Theory and Practice. I believe his best analogy is that of the "criminal man" . "Men of "criminal nature" are simply at issue with their True Will. The murderer has the Will-to-Live; and his will to murder is a false will variance with his True Will, since he risks death at the hands of Society by obeying his murderous impulse." Our will to do things such as have sex with a person because he or she is attractive or because they make you feel attractive, is not actually the True Will, it is the will of the flesh. As well when one gets drunk after having a bad day or to be more social with friends, this is not because the True Wi...

Magick vs Magic

I did some studying on the words magic and magick, cause I got into a serious argument with a really good friend about the spelling. Anyway, I found some pretty interesting evidence that substantiates that the original spelling already meant what these users claim the new spelling means, and actually has even more weight toward what practitioners of the craft and other magical practices do, than the new spelling. Aleister Crowley used the letter “k” because it is the 11th letter of the alphabet; and in numerology the number 11 represents hidden energies and thereby magick. Therefore it is thought that to add a "k" to magic makes the word itself more "magickal". However, the letter “k” is not needed to make the word “magic” any more real than it already was considering the dividend of the word “magic” is already 11. If you add the numerical values of each letter, they equal 33, which in numerology is already a Master or a Power number, then divide that number by 3, y...